Handbags are the most basic essential category in every woman’s closet. While most women tend to have fashionable and functional bags, Gucci bags always rank on top of the list of bags women crave for. Their exquisite craftsmanship and style make them popular globally. Gucci bags tend to be the to-go choice for most fashion-conscious women.
There are plenty of bags from Gucci that are crafted in smooth leather. Finished with a tri-color or by color ribbon strap. On the flip side, Gucci bags have different striking colors that complement your attire and style, giving you a stunning look that will make you stand out from the rest of the crowd.
Whether you are looking to purchase the bamboo-handle Gucci tote carried by Princess Diana, a Gucci Soho Bag, or a Gucci Padlock Bag. Here are the twenty best timeless Gucci bags for women that will last a lifetime