Do you love traveling or moving around a lot? If yes, then you must appreciate the value of a good tote bag. While the goal of most tote bags is to carry stuff around, it is important when purchasing one you should go for one that has comfortable straps, durable, has one or two internal pockets and it should not be too heavy.
A tote’s versatility makes it a functional and fashionable handbag option for women. Totes are generally unfastened and made of cloth; however, they vary in different sizes and have multiple uses. They can be used as a beach bag, as home storage, a picnic bag, as a laundry bag, or even as a travel bag.
These bags can also be personalized to represent who you are, and if you are looking to make a fashion statement whiling carrying it around you can consider shopping purchasing from a branded designer. Well, we have rounded up the twenty best tote bags that can be used for multiple purposes and occasions.