Need a gift idea for your man? Check out this Slim Bifold Wallet

I’m always looking for gifts to spoil my husband with. He works incredibly hard for his family, and as his wife I’m grateful for it! Upgrading his necessities is one way I like to show him my appreciation.

I had the opportunity to try out the Crazy Horse Leather Bifold wallet from Kinzd, and couldn’t help but to share my thoughts on it. Aside from my husband enjoying his new, upgraded wallet, the benefits had me sold from day one!

Here are 5 reasons to buy this Mens Crazy Horse Leather Bifold Slim Wallet:

Crazy horse leather bifold wallet with money clip

Kinzd Crazy Horse Leather Bifold RFID Wallet

It has 8 credit card slots and a cash compartment.

It’s genuine leather.

It’s slim! No bulk.

It has a six-month warranty.

It keeps you protected from thieves.

RFID Blocking Wallet: designed as protective shields for RFID devices/Cards, Stop Thieves from Obtaining Personal and account information; BE SAFE and PROTECTED personal Cards and passports from Electronic Pick pocketing, blocking all RFID scanners and readers.

If anyone knows my husband, he’s all about security and keeping his family (first and foremost) and his business equipment safe. Our security cameras cover the majority of our house, inside and out. This also includes our doorbell, which adds a bit more surveillance with a camera and microphone. This benefit of the protective shield of the leather wallet is a huge plus!

So if you’re looking for a gift idea for your man, don’t hesitate! Check out this awesome wallet from Kinzd. There’s only one color (leather brown) as the downside, but it’s a great wallet for the price: $18.99! Get it now!

About William Jobs


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